Context English
NewDevice2.comboBoxGroupName.ToolTipTitle Select or Create
NewDevice2.textBoxDeviceName.ToolTipTitle Device Name
NewDevice2.upDownSpace.ToolTipTitle DMX Space
NewDevice2.upDownStartAddress.ToolTipTitle DMX Start Address
NewDevice2.upDownDevCount.ToolTipTitle Number of Devices
NewDevice2.textBoxSearch.ToolTipTitle Search
NewDevice2.textBoxData.ToolTipTitle Information
[existing: {0}]
Corrupted DDFs
You are about to create {0} Groups with {1} Devices in each. In sum {2} Devices. Continue?
Create {0} Devices?
Creating devices, please wait...
No dmx universe left to patch the device to
Error creating devices
Error creating devices: DMXAddress out of range
No dmx channel left to patch the device to
There has been an Error when loading the DDF {0}: