Exit Zen
Language Capabilities
This parameter is used to identify languages that the device supports for using the Languageparameter. The response contains a packed message of 2 character Language Codes as definedby ISO 639 - 1. International Standard ISO 639 - 1, Code for the representation of names oflanguages - Part 1: Alpha 2 code.
Device Hours
This parameter is used to retrieve or set the number of hours of operation the device has been in use. Some devices may only support the retrieval of this parameter and not allow the device’s hours to be set.
Lamp Strikes
This parameter is used to retrieve the number of lamp strikes or to set the counter in the device to a specific starting value.
Lamp Hours
This parameter is used to retrieve the number of lamp hours or to set the counter in the device to a specific starting value.
Manufacturer Label
This parameter provides an ASCII text response with the Manufacturer name for the device of up to 32 characters.
Capture Preset
This parameter is used to capture a static scene into a Preset within the responder. Upon receipt of this parameter the responder will capture the scene and store it to the designated preset. Fade and Wait times for building sequences may also be included. Times are in tenths of a second. When timing information is not required it is set to 0x00. The Up Fade Time is the fade in time for the current scene and the Down Fade Time is the down fade for the previous scene or active look. The Wait Time is the time the device spends holdingthe current scene before proceeding to play the next scene when the presets are being played back as a sequence.
Clear Status ID
This parameter is used to clear the status message queue.
Reset Device
This parameter is used to instruct the responder to reset itself. This parameter also clears the Discovery Mute flag. A cold reset is the equivalent of removing and reapplying power to the device.
Device Power Cycles
This parameter is used to retrieve or set the number of Power-up cycles for the device. Some devices may only support the retrieval of this parameter and not allow the device’s power - up cycles to be set.
Device Info
This parameter is used to retrieve a variety of information about the device that is normally required by a controller.