Exit Zen
Dimmers often have a variable response time that smoothes fades that might otherwise exhibit a stepping behavior between levels. The consequence of smoothing fades using this method is that the dimmer may not turn on or off as quickly as it would without the slowed response. Dimmers with variable response times allow the user to achieve a balance between speed and smoothness in fades.
Preset Merge Mode
Normally a preset started with the PRESET_PLAYBACK message has priority over a DMX512 input signal. On some devices this may not be the desired effect, and other merge modes may be offered. This parameter is used to retrieve or change the preset merge mode.
Lock State Description
This parameter is used to get a descriptive ASCII text label for a given lock state. The label may be up to 32 characters.
Minimum Level
Minimum Level sets the lowest level that the output may go to in response to the control signal - DMX512, Preset Playback or otherwise. By setting the On Below Minimum value, this can be used to provide Preheat functionality for incandescent lamps.
Curve Description
This parameter is used to get a descriptive ASCII text label for a given Curve number. The label may be up to 32 characters.
Preset Info
This parameter is used to retrieve a variety of preset related information that describes the preset capabilities of the device.
Maximum Level
Maximum Level sets the highest level that the output may go to in response to the control signal - DMX512, Preset Playback or otherwise. This can be used to provide Topset functionality.
Preset Status
This parameter is used to determine if a preset scene is programmed and to retrieve the timing information stored with that scene (Get). It also allows a preset scene to be cleared or to change the timing information stored with that scene (Set).
Lock PIN
This parameter is used to get and set the PIN code for devices that support locking. The lock state is set using the Lock State message. The PIN format depends on the capabilities of the device.
Sometimes called dimmer laws, curves set a relationship between the control level and the output level. This is useful when matching different loads, or when matching different dimmer types. On more advanced dimmers, it may be possible to program user-defined curves. Transferring user defined curve data is beyond the scope of DMXControl 3.
Output Response Time Description