{0}: Line {1}
Unable to load a non managed Resource!
Loading {0}: {1}/{2}
Filling {0}: {1}/{2}
Adding {0}: {1}/{2}
Unable to fill DeviceGroup: {0}
Invalid GroupType in {1}: {0}
No DeviceGroup found for {1}: {0}
Error loading complete PropertyPreset {0}. There could be a loss of information!
{1} loading complete Scene {0}. There could be a loss of information!
Title: {0}
Codec: {0}kHz, {1} Channels
StageView not found!
Source Timecode '{0}' not found!
Parent Timecode '{0}' not found!
Track '{0}' not found!
There is no SoundFile with ID: {0} in Track: {1}!