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{0} ProgrammerNode(s) changes in connection set {1}
{0} ProgrammerNode(s) in the connection set {1} have changed. The Pan/Tilt inputs are replaced by a Position Input. Please update the connection set.
{0} {1} node(s) obsolete in connection set {2}
The {0} {1} node(s) in the connection set {2} are obsolete and will be removed in a future version of DMXControl. Please update the connection set.
The {0} {1} node(s) in the connection set {2} are obsolete and will be removed in a future version of DMXControl. Please update the connection set. You can use {3} as a replacement.
This can be any Resource in the Project e.g. Gobo, DeviceIcon, Uploaded File,...
Timecode: {0}
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SoundFile is still processing, please wait...