Context English Dutch
NewDevice2.labelSpace.Text DMX Space:
NewDevice2.labelStartAddress.Text DMX Start Address:
NewDevice2.labelNumDevices.Text Number of Devices:
NewDevice2.labelStatus.Text Status:
NewDevice2.columnName.Text Parent Devices
NewDevice2.Text Add Device
NewDevice2.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn1.HeaderText Device Number
NewDevice2.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2.HeaderText DMX Address
NewDevice2.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn3.HeaderText Name
NewDevice2.dataGridViewTextBoxColumn4.HeaderText Model
NewDevice2.addToFavoritesLumosToolStripMenuItem.Text Add to Favorites
NewDevice2.removeFromFavoritesLumosToolStripMenuItem.Text Remove from Favorites
NewDevice2.textBoxSearch.Watermark Search...
NewDevice2.comboBoxGroupName.ToolTipText Select existing group or type a new name to create a new group.
NewDevice2.textBoxDeviceName.ToolTipText Specifies how the devices should be named, followed by a numbering
NewDevice2.upDownSpace.ToolTipText Specifies how many addresses should be left between the devices
NewDevice2.upDownStartAddress.ToolTipText Specifies the first DMX address. The address can be given in advance (1-8192), or in the formatting "Universe.Channel" (1.1-16.512).
NewDevice2.upDownDevCount.ToolTipText Specifies how many devices should be created
NewDevice2.textBoxSearch.ToolTipText Searches for locally stored devices
NewDevice2.textBoxData.ToolTipText This text box will give you more detailed information about what device the selected DDF is and what version it is in.