English Vietnamese
Unable to Load Value
Attributes {0} values are invalid: {3}. They have to be between "{1}" and "{2}"
Attributes {0} are invalid. They are not in the right order: {1}
Auto Fan on Fog or Intensity
Inconsistent definition of Radix. Either all ring nodes have a segment Attribute or none of them.
Segment Nrs are out of sequence in Radix Node.
Radix seams to be empty.
{0} done, {1} todo, {2} total, {3} loaded
Affinity configuration modified
Loading HAL Affinitys
GPU: Use Graphicscard to do correlations.
Normal: Use N - 1 cores fully (N is the amount in your computer). If the computer has only 1 core, that one is used but not fully.
Force: Use all available cores fully.
WARNING: When changed from GPU to another value or vice versa a full correlation is triggered on next startup of the Kernel!
Independent: Only CMY or Colorwheels are used. If CMY is used, Colorwheels are set to white, and other way around.
Merge: CMY and Colorwheels are used together to have Colors merged.
False: In case Value is out of bounds, min / max value is set, e.g. Setting Pan = 200° on a Device with Max Pan = 110° will set the 110°.
True: Out of bounds values will be ignored, e.g. Setting Pan = 200° on a Device with Max Pan = 110° will set nothing, Device won't move.
This defines whether the HAL tries to fallback to a different Strobetype in case multiple devices with differnt Strobetypes are selected.
Fixed: Only Devices with choosen Strobetype will strobe, others strobe will be switched off.
Default: HAL tries to fallback to Linear. If linear doesn't exist, strobe will be switched off.
Any: HAL tries to fallback to Linear. If linear doesn't exist the first available Strobetype is used.
This defines whether the User defined values for e.g. W / A / UV in colors take precedence over the HAL calculated.
True: User defined value is taken if existing.
False: User defined value and HAL calculated are mixed HTP wise.
This defines how the HAL handles shared wheels (e.g. Colors and Gobos on the same wheel).
FreeUp: Wheel is considered free when a default value (e.g. White for Color or Open for a Gobo) is set. Other value takes precedence.
LTP: Whatever last value is set, it will be kept until new value overrides it.
Color Model
Colorwheel Mode
Shared Wheel Mode
Extrapolating between Preheat and Limit