Context English Chinese (zh)
Wrong DMXC Version
InputLayerForm.tsbClearFilterInput.Text X
InputLayerForm.tsbClearFilterOutput.Text X
XML File
Yellow is the color portion of the color model, expressed as a number from 0 to 255.
ReferenceErrorScreen.buttonOK.Text Yes
ProgramExitForm.bYes.Text Yes
Yes, attach DDFs
Yes, I am aware
You are connected to a Kernel. Also Kernel Application Settings will be reset. Continue?
You can add new devices with the {0} dialog. Also you can Drag & Drop the devices to device groups and live views.
You can create new presets by using {0} window. Use Drag & Drop in {0} to use presets, this is just project overview.
You can find th serial number in the InputAssignment
Zero, Null, Empty
Zero Values
LensControl.lblZoom.Text Zoom