English Dutch
The following files could not be added to the project: {0}
Error adding files!
Total AudioFileTime is over 35 Minutes ({0}). The Kernel is running as 32Bit Process, due to Memory-Limitations of 1.3 - 1.5 GB its not good to add more Songs to this Timecode, it can casuse OutOfMemoryExceptions. Timecode'{1}' Track'{2}'
Check Parameter {0} in {1}
Check Value of Parameter {0} in {1}
Handle running cuelist Behavior on Start
Handle running cuelist Behavior on Trigger
Handle running cuelist Behavior on Stop
{0} ProgrammerNode(s) changes in connection set {1}
{0} ProgrammerNode(s) in the connection set {1} have changed. The Pan/Tilt inputs are replaced by a Position Input. Please update the connection set.
Device: {0}
Device Property: {0}
Device Group: {0}
Unable to delete this project as it is currently loaded
Timecode: {0}
Executor Page: {0}
Can't set Buttonstate of {0} Button: {1} to {2}
Cuelist Group: {0}