Context English Russian
NewDevice2.upDownStartAddress.ToolTipText Specifies the first DMX address. The address can be given in advance (1-8192), or in the formatting "Universe.Channel" (1.1-16.512).
NewDevice2.upDownDevCount.ToolTipText Specifies how many devices should be created
NewDevice2.textBoxSearch.ToolTipText Searches for locally stored devices
NewDevice2.textBoxData.ToolTipText This text box will give you more detailed information about what device the selected DDF is and what version it is in.
NewDevice2.comboBoxGroupName.ToolTipTitle Select or Create
NewDevice2.textBoxDeviceName.ToolTipTitle Device Name
NewDevice2.upDownSpace.ToolTipTitle DMX Space
NewDevice2.upDownStartAddress.ToolTipTitle DMX Start Address
NewDevice2.upDownDevCount.ToolTipTitle Number of Devices
NewDevice2.textBoxSearch.ToolTipTitle Search
NewDevice2.textBoxData.ToolTipTitle Information
[existing: {0}]
Corrupted DDFs
Devices Created: {0}
Error creating devices: DMXAddress out of range.
Error creating devices
There has been an Error when loading the DDF {0}:
Error when loading DDF {0}.