Context English Sindarin (sjn)
New Device Group
The "{0}" branch contains all executors. They can be used to control cuelists. You can assign a cuelist to an executor using Drag & Drop. You can assign an executor to an executor page using Drag & Drop as well.
Create Executor
DeviceReplacement.label42.Text Device to replace:
DeviceReplacement.labelTargetDevice.Text Target Device:
DeviceReplacement.textBoxDescription.Text This replaces all existing usages of the Device "{0}" with another device. All future usages are unaffected.
DeviceReplacement.Text Device Replacement
Replace Device
Patching and CSV Export
Successfully replaced Device [{0}] with [{1}]
Image Files {0}
Audio Files {0}
Unable to connect to DDFLib. Check internet connection and try again.
Unable to connect to DDFLib
Download ({0})
DDFLibSearchForm.columnVersion.HeaderText Version
DDFLibSearchForm.tbDeviceSearch.Watermark Search...
DDFLibSearchForm.columnId.HeaderText #