English Sindarin (sjn)
Suspend on activity
If set to true, Autosave will not be done if DMXControl is running any cuelists.
Keep Files per Project
Defines amount of Autosaves to keep per Project.
Maximum MB per Project
Defines amount of MB to keep per Project.
Warning MB in Project Store
Defines amount of MB to keep in Project Store before Warning is raised.
StageView {0} changed
Unable to get ID in {0}
Unable to get ID in LiveViewManager
Unable to Load LiveViews because of corrupt File!
Number of Executors
Executors added / removed
Executor Pages added / removed
Executor Page {0} changed
Unable to delete this project as it is currently loaded
Closing Project
There are {0} Errors, {1} Warnings and {2} Informations in this project