Context English Klingon
SceneListEditor2.cFadeDown.HeaderText Fade down
SceneListEditor2.cDelayDown.HeaderText Delay down
SceneListEditor2.cTakeFades.HeaderText Tf
SceneListEditor2.cFadeDown.ToolTipText Fade down
SceneListEditor2.cDelayDown.ToolTipText Delay down
SceneListEditor2.cTakeFades.ToolTipText Take fades
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Concat Groups
Group is Device
Parallel Groups
Unable to allocate memory! Computer seems to not have enough free memory to continue running DMXControl. Unexpected behaviour probable! Please free up memory.
Computer is out of memory
DMXControl (GUI) just crashed. This should not have happened. Please restart DMXControl, export the log files (Help->Export Logs) and create a bug at explaining what you just did. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Unhandled Exception (LumosGUI)
Unable to establish connection
Unable to close connection
Unable to load project due to OutOfMemory Problem