The "{0}" branchcontainsallitem lists. An itemlist e.g. is a colorlist or a gobolist. You can use those Lists in several places inDMXControl. A gobolist can be configured inproperties of a device. Same with colorlist. You can use the lists in some effects as parameters, too.
False: In case Valueisout of bounds, min / maxvalueisset, e.g. Setting Pan = 200° on a Device with Max Pan = 110° will setthe 110°. True: Out of bounds values will be ignored, e.g. Setting Pan = 200° on a Device with Max Pan = 110° will set nothing, Device won't move.
This defines how the HAL handles shared wheels (e.g. Colors and Gobos on the same wheel). FreeUp: Wheel is considered free when a defaultvalue (e.g. White for Color or Open for a Gobo) isset. Other value takes precedence. LTP: Whatever last valueisset, it will be kept until newvalue overrides it.